Board of Directors

Guiding Our Vision

The Medina County Hospital District was established under and is governed and operated pursuant to Article 9, Section 4, of the Texas Constitution, Chapter 286 of the Texas Health and Safety Code, and other applicable laws of the State of Texas. In 2009, Medina County voters exercised their option to create the Medina County Hospital District. Under state law, the hospital district (through the County Commissioners Court) is authorized to levy ad valorem taxes to support its functions, including providing funding for the care of its indigent residents.

The district owns and manages the assets of the Medina Healthcare System, which includes Medina Regional Hospital and eight clinics. The Medina County Hospital District board of directors is composed of seven elected directors. Four directors are elected by the voters in the four county precincts, and three directors are elected at-large. Directors are elected to two-year terms, with elections held in conjunction with the November general election. In 2014, the board of directors voted to change the two-year terms to four-year terms.

Board of Directors

The Medina County Hospital District Board of Directors are volunteers and do not receive any compensation for their service.

"The willingness to give your time and service is greatly appreciated and truly represents your dedication to improving healthcare standards for our community and surrounding areas" CEO, Billie Bell.

Judy Winkler
Director, Precinct 1

Term Expires November 2028

Tim Hardt
President, Precinct 2

Term Expires November 2026

Tony Johnson
Secretary, Precinct 3

Term Expires November 2028

William "Bill" Bain
Director, Precinct 4

Term Expires November 2026

Mary Mangold
Director At-Large, Place 5

Term Expires November 2026

Carlton "Corky" Young
DVM - Vice President, At-Large, Place 6

Term Expires November 2028

Zachary Windrow, MD
Director At-Large, Place 7

Term Expires November 2028

Local Political Subdivision Election & Financial/Operating Information

Election Information

Notice is hereby given that applications for a place on the Medina County Hospital District Board of Directors Regular Election for the following expired terms will be accepted:

  • Director for Precinct 1, Place 1
  • Director for Precinct 3, Place 3
  • Director At-Large (1 of 3), Place 6
  • Director At-Large (1 of 3), Place 7

To be elected as a member of the Board of Directors, a person must be a resident of the District and a registered voter. An employee of the District may not serve as a Director.

First Day to File for a Place on the Ballot:
Saturday, July 20, 2024 at 8:00 a.m.

Last Day to File for a Place on the Ballot:
Monday, August 19, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.

Applications are available at:

Administration Office

Medina Regional Hospital

3100 Avenue E, Hondo, TX 78861

Mon-Fri from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The address to mail applications for a place on the ballot (if filing by mail):

Administration Office

Medina Regional Hospital

3100 Avenue E, Hondo, TX 78861

Financial & Operating Information

Medina County Tax Office

1102 15th St., Hondo, Texas 78861

P: 830.741.6100

Rate of the ad valorem tax of the Medina County Hospital District is 0.0929 per $100 valuation for the 2025 tax year

All notices of public hearings on tax increases can be found in our public notices and board minutes, as well as The Hondo Anvil Herald and The Devine Newspapers

Public Notices

This section contains information on public notices, hearings or meetings of the Medina County Hospital District Board of Directors. All meetings are held in the Medina Regional Hospital Board Room, located at 3100 Ave. E, Hondo, Texas, 78861.


Regular Board Meeting Agendas